Join M1
To join M1, swimmers must be enrolled with one of the club's squad program providers.
Annual Membership Fees
Fees conists of components* paid to Swimming Victoria, Swimming Australia and M1 Swimming Club.
2024-2025 Season (1 July to 30 June)
Swimmer: $190.97 (Mid season discount of $20 applied from December)
Allows swimmers to compete at club, district, metro and state competitions
National swimmer: $202.75 (Mid season discount of $20 applied from December)
Allows swimmers to compete at all levels including National competitions
Social member: $21.32
For non-competitive members (suitable for swimmers training at the MARC who don't wish to compete)
Dry member (basic/non-voting): $15.60
For parents of swimmers aged under 18 years
Dry member (full/voting): $32.76
For committee, coaches and parents of swimmers aged under 18 years
For instructions on how to join or renew, click here.
* Details of components:
Swimmer: Swim Vic $133.11 + Swim Aus $23.54 + M1 $34.32
- National swimmer: Swim Vic $133.11 + Swim Aus $35.32 + M1 $34.32
- Social: Swim Vic $15.60 + M1 $5.72
- Dry (basic): Swim Vic $15.60
- Dry (full): Swim Vic $15.60 + M1 $17.16
Fees are inclusive of GST and Swim Central's 4% processing fee
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